We are currently in the process of plumbing works for a transportable home in country Victoria. The house has been delivered and placed in position and ground plumbing and tanks have been installed. No mains water here so they depend on tank water for all their water needs. Still more work to do but looking... Read more
Here are a few Water Stations & Dog Bowls that we have been installing around Melbourne’s recreations areas over the past few months. Sites include: Frank Johnson Memorial Park Ferntree Gully, Knox City Football Club Knoxfield, Princes Park Reserve Caulfield South, Duncan McKinnon Reserve Bentleigh East, King George VI Memorial Reserve Bentleigh East and Wally... Read more
Weightman Plumbing services available across Victoria Read more
These past few weeks we have been working hard to get this house perfect for it’s new owners. Fair to say we have completed our job and the owners are over the moon with our finishing products for them. With Winter fast approaching, we have been very busy installing new hot water services. Call us... Read more